Goals to Next Actions
OmniFocus Screen ShotOnce you have these nice goals, what do you do with them? How do you convert them into tasks? I follow two strategies, one Wishcraft-y, and one GTD-y.
On the Wishcraft side, I create a treasure map. A collage of images and words that resonate with my goals. I post this map on my office door, where I can gaze at it frequently.
On the GTD side, I use OmniFocus for the organization step of David Allen’s workflow. I create a new, top-level, project for each goal, and add a next action for each. Each week, when I sit down to draft what I want to accomplish, I review my stack of goals and pick three to focus on. I create three mini-goals. Then I make sure I have a next action in OmniFocus for each mini-goal. (Why three, when I have eight goals? Well, because I’ve noticed I can’t get much more than about three accomplished, what with the rest of Life on my calendar.)