Charley Gets Chipped
Charley and his new familyI’m not sure when we started getting our dogs chipped. It could’ve been when we got Cientos, our first dog directly from Blue Skies. I can imagine our breeder suggesting it.
When we were “growing coat” on Cientos, to show him in the conformation ring, we had to keep collars to a minimum. Knowing there was another way to identify him if he got lost gave me a good feeling, even back then when one reader couldn’t read another manufacturers’s chip. The pet tracking industry has come a long way since then.
So, once our two week trial period was over, I had our vet come over, check Charley out, add him to his records, and chip him. I also got him a handsome collar with human-readable identification that doesn’t clink.
We have officially welcomed Charley to the family.