Playing on All Fours
Charley in a play bow (image courtesy Michael J. Gerald-Yamasaki)
I like to get on all fours and play with Charley. I grab at his paws, or hoard one of his toys, keeping it between my hands and turning my rear to him. Having a dog breed that plays, I’ve discovered, is important to me.
I tried tickling my trainer’s dog’s toes once, a beautiful black German Shepherd girl. She had just the lightest dusting of gold fur between her toes. She didn’t pull her paws back, play snap at me, or anything. She didn’t react at all, except to look at me like I was an imbecile.
My uncle has a gorgeous yellow Lab, a sweet, loving dog, but he won’t play with me either.
I love having dogs that play, and the Poodle breed is particularly noted for that.